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Saturday + Sunday

Two days, same view from the sofa:
Saturday the sun was shining over the rooftops across the street, and inspired me to go for a long run. Turns out London is a great place for running—lots of people out and about doing the same, the river is gorgeous and active, and plenty of sights and sounds to keep a run interesting. I ran by the Design Museum (stopping for David Chipperfield and Dieter Rams shows), Borough Market (stopping for a warm bowl of green Thai chili, much gastronomic browsing, and gingerbread man cookie) and the Tate Modern (stopping for the Turbine Room).
Sunday—it poured all day, reminding me that one of the most exciting things about skylights has to do with sound rather than light. Yes, they bring us blue skies on sunny days, and the stars and moon at nighttime, but they also bring close the sound and rhythm of rain on days like this!

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