We excursioned up to Salt Point State Park in Sonoma a couple weekends ago for a long-awaited mushroom foray with the Sonoma Mycological Association. All the rain made for an amazingly bountiful forest—we came home with armloads (it would have been basketloads had we planned properly) of black trumpets, yellowfoots (yellowfeet?) and one other type of mushroom whose name I can't recall. We spotted many more varieties: polyspores, hedgehogs (which we only found out later are not only edible but delicious) and deathcaps. That's expert mycologist Darvin ID-ing mushrooms at the incredibly gourmet potluck post-foray, and the spread that the group hauled in for ID-ing on the tarp below.
It was a beyond-beautiful day and hot chocolate in Jenner and then some running around on the beach at Jenner made us appreciate Northern California springtime even more.
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